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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


T-minus two days until COLORADO! Loujo and I are pretty stoked. We have been looking forward to this vacation since last October when we didn't get a real honeymoon. That's what planning a wedding in three months will do to you! As much as I would've loved an amazing honeymoon back in October, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
Colorado has always had a special place in our hearts.
For me Colorado has always been a place that I would love to live. Memories from my last and only trip there when I was fourteen flood my mind. Waking up to that amazing mountain view. Stepping outside and breathing in that fresh mountain air. Ah I can just feel it now. My dad on crutches, determinded to walk up in the mountains with me. Determined to make up for the years missed. The precious growing up years. Those are the things that stood out for me. The things that made my fourteen year old self say, "I WILL live here someday!" Honestly, I would still love to.
Something that my husband and I agreed upon on our first date is that we would go to Colorado together someday. You see, Colorado was even more special to him than it was to me. He was born again there two years ago. It's an amazing testimony-let me tell ya. I will share it with you all someday. It's much too long for this post. I'm going to be able to meet the man that led my husband to the Lord. I'm so excited! He gives me so much inspiration to minister to people I dont know and truly shows what it is to be a Christian. To live like Jesus. The way it should be. The way Paul did it! We need to get back to that. I need to get back to that.

Praying that God will move mightily this weekend. Colorado is going back to him! Can I get an AMEN?!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Season of Change

How is it that just when everything seems to be going well something has to butt its way in and mess everything up? One of my sisters, Amanda JUST moved back from Las Vegas at the beginning of the month after 8 years of being away from home. The four sisters were FINALLY reunited!! "Reunited and it feels so gooooooood!" haha sorry I had to!
Where was I? Oh yes everything being ruined. My sister Faith just found out this week that she and her husband are being stationed in Illinois. Not to mention they are taking my sweet neice Summie with them! This saddens me. A lot. The only bright side of this situation is that they aren't leaving until December. So that means I must soak up as much Summie and Faith time as I can!
These next few months are going to be crazy! Things are a-changin!
My husband and I got our offer accepted on our house! Its perfectly beautiful house and we are so thankful that God cares for us so much! It's unbelievable sometimes to see where he has brought us from. I think that's my problem sometimes. I don't believe that he can do the same things he's done before. I just need to be reminded of what his grace and power has done before and then I am comforted. Comforted in knowing I serve a mighty God and that my life is in his hands-he's got this!

Friday, July 6, 2012

My first blog post EVAAAA! This is going to be epic. I actually shouldn't say this is my first blog post because I had a blog when I was 12. I wrote a total of 1 post and then got bored-pretty much the story of my life! But I'm determined to get on board with this blogging thing. My life is alot more interesting these days! When I was 12 my blog posts would have consisted of what color the bands on my braces were and how much I loved Aaron Carter(don't judge) The ONLY thing that will be remotely the same as my 12 year old blogging self is that I have this crush...His name is Louis. The same Louis that I made on The Sims so my person could marry him and have babies. HAHA! What?! You know you've done it!
ANYWHO now I'm married to this man! God blessed me with my fairytale! I still can't believe this is my life and I'm so thankful every minute for it!