So I feel kind of pathetic. My husband and I are photographers. Like weddings, engagements, babies, families, seniors PHOTOGRAPHERS. I have yet to put even one bit of our work on here! Sad. Very sad. That's going to change very soon! I think October will be a turning point for me with this blog. I can see myself having alot more time as my Loujo and I don't have any weddings booked next month! I guess it would be great to have the extra income but I'm almost thankful that we will be getting some rest.
We have our last wedding for September tomorrow and I'm pretty excited! It's in a beatiful Church with an amazing couple! You can't get better than that! I feel very blessed that God placed them in our lives.
I feel so honored that God has enabled us to be able to do what we love, even if it is only part time at the moment. I fully believe that sometime in the near future we will be doing photography full time. And I CAN NOT wait for that day!
Photography has always been something that was a pipe dream for me. Something that I would LOVE to do but just figured it would be "too hard" or "too risky".
How many times do we really say things like that to ourselves? Like I want to start working out everyday but it's TOO HARD. I would love to start my own business but I'm afraid of the RISK. God has shown me so may times in my life that I need to trust him. So many of the things I have been afraid of God has completely stomped on and turned around. My God is bigger than any fear or any risk! If God be for me who DARE be against me?
Friends, I feel like God is calling all of us today to trust him. To put our WHOLE lives in his hands. Not just when we feel like it. Not just when everything is going our way. That's when its easy. He's calling us to trust him even when it's hard, even when it looks like there's no way out. Its something that I'm still working on DAILY.
I'm pretty much preaching to myself here, just so ya know. :)
Have a wonderful weekend full of HIS blessings!