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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

She's Here!!!

We are so excited to announce the arrival of our blessing from God!
Selah Abigail
5lbs 14oz 19 3/4 inches long
July 16, 2013

I will be writing her birth story in the next couple of days so be looking out for that! :)
It was such an amazing birth-everything we prayed for! God is so good!

Monday, July 8, 2013

38 week bumpdate!

Hello lovely ladies! Hope you had an amazing 4th! I had a pretty awesome one even though baby Teal did not make her grand entrance! :) I actually turned 38 weeks Prego on the 4th so here is my belated bump date!
How far along? 38 weeks!

Baby's size? She's about 6.8lbs and is over 191/2 inches long

Weight Gain? about 30lbs

Belly button in or out? in still but pretty flattened out.

Sleep? I've been waking up at 4:30am everyday and I usually can't go back to sleep for about an hour afterwards.

Foods I am loving? If you haven't tried the smore frozen hot chocolate shake from Dairy Queen you definitely should! Man it is good!

Foods I am hating? Carmel. Gross!

Best moment this week? My last day at work was last Saturday! It was so surreal! I'm officially a stay at home mommy! :)

Movement? She's been moving all over the place!

Symptoms? Using the bathroom ALOT more! Especially when baby girl kicks my bladder. And alot of heartburn!

Gender? Sweet baby girl!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mommy Five {link-up} #4

Mkay so I'm totally going to blame this on pregnancy brain but I completely forgot today is Wednesday! AKA Mommy Five link up day! My goodness! If not for Heather's blog post I would've completely forgot! Whoops! :)

So our topic for this week is five pieces of advice for birth and labor. I'm excited to see what advice you experienced mommies have! I'm going to post five things that I've found useful-I'll have to do a recap after baby is born to update on what advice I actually used!

1.) Be Prepared-Babies can come quick(especially in my family) so I have everything packed and ready to go!
2.) Cherish the moments-I've heard from so many different people how fast babies grow up so I'm determined to soak up this little girl's newborness!
3.) Pray-This one is self explanatory! :) I'm going to do my part and leave the rest up to God! He's got this! :) I know and trust that He will be taking the best care of me and my sweet baby girl.
4.) Skin to skin-This is something I've heard is very important when it comes to breastfeeding and I can't wait to have that special moment after Baby Girl is born!
5.) Don't feel pressured- This is a peice of advice I came up with on my own. From the beginning my mom and sisters have wanted to be in the room with me during the entire labor process. I've always wanted it to be a special time for just my husband and I so I've decided that it will just be us in the room. As much as I'm still feeling the pressure on this one I've got to do what I think is best for all of us. I just really want that special bonding time after she is born.

So there ya have it! This will probably be our last link up for awhile until I get everything all settled with Baby Girl! I will try to keep you all updated on any happenings! :) Have a blessed 4th!

I won't forget.

I sat in that doctors office. So very nervous, stomach in knots. Staring in a mirror at the reflection of the girl I'd never thought I'd be. The one longing to be pregnant. The one who tried, hoped, prayed, and dreamed of the day when she would carry a baby in her womb. That was the reason I was there, to find out what was wrong with me. As the doctor went over each option my heart sank a little more with each word she said. But after all the tests were said and done she couldn't find one thing wrong with me. Not one. Praise be to God!
One year later I'm in that very same office, staring at what would seem like the same girl in the natural. But It's not. I'm not her anymore. My name is no longer just Sarah, but mommy. I smile because I'm remembering how far I've come. I remember the ache and the pain, He replaced with joy and dancing. That empty womb, He replaced with a miracle baby. I see this huge 9 month pregnant belly and I am thankful. Oh so thankful.
It's funny how many people complain about those doctors appointments-especially the last month of them when you have to get a pelvic exam everytime. It's not the most pleasant experience-I admit. But a few weeks ago as I was leaving the doctors office I was rejoicing that I get the opportunity to go to those doctors appoinments! That my baby girl is growing healthy and strong and will be here in a few short weeks! How could I ever be annoyed about those doctors appointments? How could I ever forget?
I believe God has been showing me lately that if we could just learn to see His goodness in every situation then we'd never have anything to complain about!
It reminds me of the story of the Israelites after God brought them out of Egypt. That had just crossed the red sea-not even a hair on their head was injured. When the waters rushed back down after they had made it safely across the sea they watched as the egyptian solders drowned. They rejoiced knowing what a good God they served. But then not even a few chapters later they began to complain and worry! They had forgotten that soon how God had preserved them, protected them, cared for them! How could they forget what He had already done?
This is something I have been guilty of doing many a time! I start to worry about little things and forget all of the amazing things The Lord has already done for me! How can I ever worry? How can I ever doubt? He has my best interest in mind always! His goodness encamps around me like a shield. I can't ever forget. No, I won't ever forget!

Pictures in Baby Girl's room! :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

37 weeks

I'm actually 38 weeks tomorrow btw!
How far along? 37 weeks! We're getting so close!!

Baby's size? She's over 6lbs now! My app says the size of a watermelon.

Weight Gain? about 30lbs

Belly button in or out? in still but pretty flattened out.

Sleep? Hasn't been too bad except for waking up to potty.

Foods I am loving? Ice cream! Preferably from Dairy Queen.

Foods I am hating? Carmel. Gross!

Best moment this week? This week I'm full term! Wahooo!! At my doctors appointment last Friday I was 2cm dilated and 90 percent effaced! She told me to make sure I get my bags packed because it looks like this baby is not going to wait until her due date to make her appearance!

Movement? She's been moving all over the place!

Symptoms? Using the bathroom ALOT more! Especially when baby girl kicks my bladder. And alot of heartburn!

Gender? Sweet baby girl!!!