Thank goodness today is the Very Random Link Up because it's making me want to get things done today. This is a typical ideal day in my life, because ya know it varies from day to day!
The very random Link up is not your ordinary link up. We will be doing topics different months.
Example: A vlogging month, about me month, and trying new recipes month.
One of my most favorite things about blogging is the relationships that come with it. the relationships that start out as a fellow blogger and turns into a friend or even a sister.
That is what these two ladies above have become in the last year. We've started out as fellow bloggers, to friends, to sisters and it is just so so amazing how God could use such a thing as blogging to bring us together. and we want that same relationship with you. That's why Sarah and I decided to start this fun random link up is because we wanted to find fun ways to get to know you and meet more of you! Will you join our very random community?
Each Month Sarah and I will pick a topic. It may be a vlogging month, a month of encouraging posts. anything. Some months we'll ask the questions and other months we just want to hear your thoughts and your heart. Have a topic or question idea? We'd love to hear it!
Today's question is:
What does a day in your life look like?
{7:30am} My day usually starts around this time when I hear my little lady stirring on the video monitor. Which was the BEST investment we made when I was prego! For any of you mommas I would definitely recommend one. It gives me such a peace of mind to actually be able to see her. Anywho, once I get Selah up I feed her.
{8am} Take Selah out to the dining room and feed her her oatmeal mixed with either pears or applesauce and then I usually eat cereal at the same time.
{8:30am} Go into the living room and let Selah play with toys/watch The Chica Show-her favorite! ;)
{9am} Put my little lady in her crib for her first nap. While she's napping I usually try to get time in The Word. I'm trying to get better about this because I see what a difference it makes in my days. Even on days I don't necessarily feel motivated to do it I know The Lord is changing me by reading His words. I usually talk to my sister on the phone during this time.
{10:30am} Little lady starts stirring and I get her up and feed her.
{11am} Take Selah in her room and let her play with her toys.
{12pm} Put Selah in her crib for her 2nd nap. During this time I try to do some cleaning or eat lunch.
{1pm} Selah wakes up and The hubs usually comes home for lunch at this time and we usually eat together.
{1:30pm} The Hubs leaves to go back to work. I feed Selah again.
{2pm} This would usually be the time I would like to take Selah for a walk outside once it gets warm.
{3pm} Put Selah in her crib for her 3rd and final nap of the day. During this nap I usually try to get some cleaning in.
{4pm} Selah wakes up and I feed her again.
{4:30pm} Start figuring out/cooking what I'm going to make for dinner.
{5:30pm} The Hubs comes home and we eat dinner and Selah eats baby food.
{6pm} Family time.
{7:30pm} Feed Selah and put her in her crib for bed.
After this Louis and I get to spend time together and get any business photography stuff done that we need to.
{10:30-11} Bed time.
So that's an average day in my life! :)