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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Selah-8 months!

This has been a big month for miss Selah! I feel like her personality is coming out so much lately and I love it! She is so silly and I love it! This month had a lot of big milestones:
-Selah's first road trip
-Transitioning to her big girl car seat
-Her first "real" food!
-Sitting in the cart for the first time
-waving and saying "ba-ba" for bye bye

I'm sure there's more that I can't think of at the moment! But seriously, she is just growing up so fast! Where did my squishy little newborn go?!

Weight: Selah weighs almost 15lbs

 Nicknames: Little Missy, Missy, Sweet Pea, baby cakes

 Eating: Selah is still eating mommy's milk every 3-4 hours during the day and eats purees for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! She's even ventured into eating "real" foods. So far she's tried potatoes, ice cream, cheese, puffs, strawberries, bananas, avocado, pudding, and probably some other things I can't think of right now! It's so much fun giving her all of these real foods and I can't wait to try all kinds of new things with her now that she is so much more confident with eating. For the longest time she would gag when anything other than purees were in her mouth-i'm so thankful she finally figured it out!

Sleeping: Sweet girl is sleeping through the night like a champ and mommy couldn't be more happy about it! I need my 8 hours of sleep, ya'll! Seriously! haha! Selah usually sleeps from about 7:30pm-6am then eats and goes back to sleep until about 8.

Diapers: Size 2

Clothing: 6 months are still fitting pretty well but we have started breaking into some of her 9 month clothes.

Social: Selah loves people so much! When we take her anywhere she seems to make friends with whoever we are near, especially at Target! Girl after my own heart, what can I say? ;) She love loves sitting in the cart and talks and babbles the entire time!

This month we also took Selah on her very first road trip to St. Louis! I was so nervous about the 7 hour car ride but she did so much better than I expected! So proud of my girl!

 Likes: her jumparoo now that she's finally tall enough! She loves jumping and bouncing these days!

Dislikes: peas, green beans, not being able to roll around on the floor!

Looking forward to: Moving to our new place in t-minus 10 days! EEk!!!