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Thursday, October 25, 2012

To Vote.

I know ya'll are probably pretty tired about hearing about the election but I can't keep quiet about something that is pulling at me so strongly. This election is big. It's crucial. I just would like you to take a moment, step back, and see the election for what it is. How God wants us to see it.
Friends, before you vote this year think about a few things.
Which canidate is standing for Biblical marriage?
Which canidate is protecting the rights of babies in the womb?
Which canidate is standing with Israel?
The answer is simple. Please, please vote.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Letters

How is it possible that its Friday again?!? Crazy!!!
Dear Nebraska,
I love you but why must you rush winter?? I want fall back! :(
Dear Loujo- Why are you such a sweet heart? Thank you for agreeing to take me to Village Inn tomorrow for my birthday breakfast! Can you say strawberry crepes and hashbrowns? YUM.
Dear Photography Clients,
Ya'll are awesome! For realz! God has really blessed us. :)
Dear any bloggers who may be reading this,
I really need someone to design my blog! Does anyone have any suggestions?! The blog is not so pretty right now. I want pretty. I like pretty!
Dear eyeballs,
Please just accept the fact that I'm going to be wearing contacts from here on out! I'm quite tired of the burning sensation. Mkay?

Have a great weekend friends!
I'm linking up with Eileen for Friday Letters-

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hola Amigas Bonitas!
Sorry I felt a little "spicy" today! hah.
Speaking of spanish, my hubby is half mexican and can't speak a word of it! Isn't that strange?!
Meanwhile, I walk around the house speaking like I was born in Venezuela! Not really, but still.
It's really hard to find time to blog and edit photos. But I'm doing it! Somehow, someway.
That would be me! Kinda

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. We are photographing a banquet for my work, doing a few fall mini sessions, AND celebrating my 22nd birthday. This is craziness. 


We've been having the stongest winds over yonder in nebraski territory. We totally don't talk like that by the way. Seriously though. If you are wearing a dress you had better watch out so you don't pull a Marilyn Monroe! (I'm speaking from experience)
Anywho I had a blog post alllll written out last night about our photography and the thing froze on me! I'm a tad upset about this. My hours minutes of hard work down the toilet! *sigh*. On a happier note, God is always amazing me.
This past year as newlyweds has been a hard one for Loujo and I, but me in particular. I was very used to being single and pretty much buying and spending money on what I wanted. Then I got married and BAM no more of that! So things have been challenging for me. I'm getting a bonus from work this month for meeting my sales goals(WOOT WOOT!) and I have been busy planning what I'm going to buy with it. THINKING ABOUT WHAT I WANTED. My list looked something like this; Hair done, new dining room table, new clothes, etc. Meanwhile Loujo's mom has been without work for the past couple of months but of course I wasn't thinking anything about it.
Then God started nudging me. "Give it away." "Give it to Louie's mom."
"No no no no no. This can't be God I'm hearing, it's probably just me thinking it. This is MY money. I worked HARD for this!"
So I continued to ignore it. But it continued. For about a week I was having this inner dialogue with God, while convinced that It simply couldn't be Him!
Finally I really listened.
"Give the money away."
"NOO. It isn't fair! I've waited so long for this!"
"Give and it will be given back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over."
"Okay God. I'll do this."
Once I said okay I felt a huge burden being lifted off my shoulders. I told Louie and he was so happy that God told me to do this for his momma.
A few days later we booked another wedding AND got hired by the company I work for to photograph a banquet! SERIOUSLY! This was ALL God. We are getting even more back then what we are giving to his mom! God is so so good! All the time.
Have a great day everyone! PS. If you're in the midwest-don't blow away!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Letters to Friday.

Hello Lovlies!
It's a beatiful friday morning! Some people are complaing about this cold but I love it. Fall is THE best time of the year. My birthday being in 9 days might have something to do with it, haha. It's probably going to be a pretty relaxing weekend for the hubby and I. Lot's of snuggling time, which is completely fine with me! Now, without further ado...FRIDAY LETTERS.

It took awhile, but I'm so thankful that I'm writing again. I hope people can see my heart when they read you.
Dear grocery store,
I have a date with you after work. 7pm. Be there or be square. Did I just say that?
Dear husband,
I love you so! Why do we have to work? I just wish we could stay at home and snuggle all day!
Dear Ralphie,
I'm not sure what beef you have with me. You have been such a good dog for these last 10 months, what happened? If I come home to pee one more time in our living room I might just cry.
Dear Reesee,
You're cute. That is all.
Dear Krispy Kreme donuts,
Why must you be so delish?!? As hard as I try to avoid you, you just keep calling my name! Clearly I need to start eating healthier, because gaining 9 pounds this year is just not acceptable. I blame it on being a newlywed.
Dear Work,
Why oh why do you have to last 10 hours today? I want to go home. No offence.
Dear photography business,
Please get so many clients that I don't have to work a 9-5 anymore. I can't wait for that day.
Dear God,
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't say it enough.

Have a blessed weekend, friends!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Story of Us. Part 4

It's taken me a few days to write out the last part of Louie and I's
story. This part is the rawest, the most defining, and my sweet husbands
emotions hang in the balance. Because of this I'm going to tread
lightly. God's timing was in every part of this story, especially when I
look back now everything makes perfect sense. I wish this part of the
story wasn't in here. I wish I could just erase it from my memory and
make it so it never happened. But it did and for whatever reason God
knew that my Louie would need someone to pray with on that horrible
Friday night.

Here it goes...
After Lou and I's first date there was a second which,
truthfully didn't go as well as the first. For some reason I began to
question if I really liked him and if we were meant to be together. I
can't really explain my rationale behind it, other than the fact that I
had never had someone pursue me like he did and I guess that turned me
off for whatever reason. I mean I literally prayed to God that I would
have NO question about whether or not the man I was supposed to be with
liked me. I prayed that I wouldn't have to work for his affection and
that his chivalry would prevail. But no, when the time actually came for
me to have my prayers answered I was running away like a little baby. It
took my sister, Amanda to convince me of this! (I owe you big time
sister!) Sometimes you just need a good slap in the face.
Before I had my head on straight came the turning point in this
story. It was a Friday, I'll never forget this day. I was still waiting
tables and I was just finishing up for the night. I was in the back of
the kitchen when I got a text from my friend, Noelle. The conversation
went something like,
"Tell Louie I am so sorry about his dad! Roger was a great guy."
"Wait what? What's going on?"
"His dad died. You didn't know?"
"No! Are you sure??!"
Shortly after I got a text from Louie asking me a random
This completely stopped me in my tracks. A million thoughts started
running through my mind. "He doesn't know? Is he okay? What can I say to
him? What can I do?"
How could I, a girl he just started dating, be the one to tell
him that his dad passed away? I was so scared. Scared for him, scared
for me.
I texted Louie back and said, "Is your dad okay?"
"Wait, what's going on?"
"SARAH. What are you talking about? What's going on?"
"Louie I don't know how to even tell you this and I hope and pray that
she's wrong but Noelle just texted me and told me that your dad passed
away. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say."
"No this can't be real this can't be happening."

    When Loujo got off of work his mom confirmed what we had heard
was true. After he spoke with his mom he called me and asked me to come
pick him up from his house. I was honestly surprised he even wanted to
be with me during this time. I didn't know what to do. I have never
considered myself to be someone who was good with grieving people. It
was always something very difficult for me and I usually tried to avoid
it all together because I never knew what to say. I complied though,
because I knew he needed someone. God chose that someone to be me.
It's a good thing that Loujo's house was a good 20 minutes away
from my work because that gave me plenty of time to pray and ask the
Lord to guide me and work through me. I prayed that he would show his
love to Loujo and that he would feel his presence so strongly.
That night we sat in my car for 3 hours and I wrapped my arms
around him as he cried. I listened to what he wanted me to hear,
completely vulnerable, completely unashamed. THAT'S the night I really
fell in the love with this man. I believe that's the night God showed
me the spirit, the character of this man and it's so so beautiful.
 Somehow that night our
conversations turned to other things, to music, work, and memories. We
were laughing together. On that horrible, gloomy night my husband was
given a peace that surpasses all understanding. God is truly amazing. He
answered every prayer I prayed for Louie that night as I layed my hands
on him and let the Holy Spirit speak through me.
 I left Louie's house so
confused at what had happened that night, but so in love with my future
husband and my God. I felt guilty for being happy on this night, for
seeing that God had a reason for bringing us together when He did. But
then I can still hear in my spirit, "He gives beauty for ashes, strength
for fear, gladness for mourning, peace for dismay."
Now it all makes


The Story of Us. Part 3

The story of us part 3
After I posted the aforementioned status I closed my laptop and went to eat dinner. A few hours later I logged onto facebook and saw that I had a comment on my status from Loujo. "SAYYY WHATTT??" I thought. Remember, I had not heard from him in over 4 years. No acknowledging I even existed. As the page was loading I felt butterflies doing the cha cha slide in my stomach and I was pretty sure it wasn't from the chimichanga I had for dinner.
The conversation went something like this,
Me, "I reallllly want a gym membership."
Loujo, "You should go to Gold's, it's pretty legit."
Me, "Do you know if you have to have a contract for that?"
Loujo, "No I'm pretty sure you don’t, and its 10 bucks a month."
Me, "Oh wow that's awesome! I'll have to check it out!"
Loujo, "Yeah you should! I hope to see you there sometime."
Now this got my interest! My thoughts- "He wants to see me! Yeah boyy! WOOT WOOT! Is this real life?"
What I was about to do was not like me! I NEVER put myself out there! I mean NEVER! In our normal universe I would've said, "yeah maybe you will." and that wouldve been it. But no, God had control of this, I am sure because what I was about to do would change everything.
Me, "Lol Yeah Louie, it has been farr too long! Does anyone even call you that any more? haha"
Loujo, "Of course they do. Or Lou as my baby neice still calls me! We should kick it sometime."
(Cue the awwwweees!)
Me, "Here's my number, xxx-xxx-xxxx text me sometime! :)"
Loujo, "Will do!"
After the exchange my head was SPINNING! "Did I really just do that?? I think I did. WOW."
The next day while I was at work I got a text from Loujo trying to be all non chalant about texting me. I made him sweat it out for a few hours before texting him back. I'm mean like that. Haha. But a girl's gotta play her game, right? Loujo and I continued to text for the next 3 days or so. We played the question game and learned a lot about each other. I learned that he played in the worship band at his Church which was so awesome to me! At this point I made no connection at all to Melanie's dreams. None.
Loujo and I made plans to go out to "reconnect." or some bologna like that. It was a date I just knew it. We made plans for him to pick me up after worship team practice that night. He told me it would be about 8 by the time he picked me up.
That day I was a bundle of nerves. I was so nervous about there being awkward silences being the shy girl I was. ESPECIALLY around guys I liked. But at the same time I just felt right about this date. Like we were meant to be. I remember being on the phone with my sister, Amanda that day and her telling me to not be nervous and if it's meant to be then our conversation will keep leading back to God. "Alright, God's got this!" I thought.
Of course all 3 of my sisters were calling me that night and helping me prepare for my big date! My sister, Faith called me and said and I quote, "Wouldn't it be crazy if you two ended up getting married??" I remember laughing and kind of brushing it aside but I knew this just felt right.
8pm rolled around with no sign from Loujo. I waited and waited and finally after a half hour I texted him with no answer back. I was so upset. I was convinced he had stood me up. When 9pm rolled around my phone began to ring and on the line was the cutest voice I had ever heard. It melted me instantly. He apologized for being late, his practice had lasted longer than he thought it would. His voice was so cute though, all of my annoyance over him being late vanished away. He pulled up to my driveway and I sprinted out the door because I did NOT want my mom having a chance to say something embarrassing to him. It was much to soon for those shinanigans.
I got in the car and off we went to village in. Our date went amazingly. Our conversations kept coming back to God. I clicked with him instantly and there wasn’t one "awkward silence."
Four hours later, (YES we were in village inn for 4 hours!!!) he took me back home and walked me up to my front door! BUTTERFLIES!!! Slowly we turned toward eachother and he gave me the best and longest hug ever. It was amazing. When we finally pulled away from eachother he gave me "the look". He was fixing to kiss me I just knew it so I ran inside before he could. I wanted our first kiss to be special, not that it wouldn't have been that night but I just thought it was a litte too soon.
I remember going in the house and literally SHAKING. I was in such a state of shock that I could not stand up. It was the realization that this was the man that God had planned for me. This was the man that Melanie had dreamed about. It was pretty insane. I went to bed that night with a huge smile on my face knowing that my life would never be the same.
To be continued...


Monday, October 8, 2012

The Story of Us Part 2

The Story of Us Part 2
        Aside from facebook stalking Loujo I had no interaction with him. When he graduated high school he went off to college and I was still in Omaha for my senior year. It was around this time that I don’t even remember seeing him on facebook or thinking about him at all, for that matter. I was pre occupied with a certain cowboy from Texas…but that’s a whole other story that I won’t get into.
After senior year I moved to Las Vegas to live and work with my big sister, Amanda. It was definitely a learning experience. There were some very difficult times that year but I wouldn’t have traded it for a thing. It made me break out of my shell and for that I am so so thankful.

August of 2010 I boarded a plane back to Omaha not knowing that my husband had moved back 1 month prior. It was around this time that I started noticing posts from Loujo on facebook again. I remember seeing that he had become a Christian, which I was very surprised, but very happy about.
About a month had passed when my sister, Melanie began to have dreams about me and my future husband. Believe it or not this stuff is completely true. I would say at least once a week she would tell me that she had a dream about this “mystery man”. I think the first dream she ever told me about was one where my husband was on stage at a Church playing the guitar. In the dream she knew it was my hubby. Now, when she told me this it immediately sparked my interest- A man who loves Jesus AND plays the guitar? OH YEAH!
Night after night she had these dreams involving my future husband. Every dream described the man that I had always prayed for, the man of my dreams. I just knew these dreams were from God. By the time December rolled around it seemed like she was having these dreams every night. As soon as I would walk out of my room in the morning my sister would say, “I had another dream about your man.”
Every time she would have one of these dreams I would probe her about his description. The description I had from her dreams was that he had tan skin, dark-almost black hair, about as tall as my dad-maybe a tiny bit shorter, and of course he was a musician. She could NEVER see his face though, which was insanely frustrating to me.

You see, I was desperate to find my husband. For as long as I can remember I wanted to get married young and have babies, that’s all I ever really wanted to do. After my falling out with Cowboy I felt completely worthless, like no one would ever love me. I hoped that if I prayed and believed that God would send me an amazing Christian guy someday. SOMEDAY.
Since I had the description of this guy I was set on looking for him. Everywhere I would go I would assess if the guy matched his description. No guy ever matched it perfectly. Now, mind you the thought of Louie being this guy NEVER crossed my mind. I mean never! I was literally pining after this dream man. Thinking about him constantly and wondering when God would bring him into my life. I hoped it would be soon but a part of me thought I would have to wait until I was 40 to get married and that majorly upset me.
On February 4th, 2011 I went to Jason’s deli with my best friend, Skylar. We were there for a really long time just talking. She is one of those friends you can have the best conversations with that last FOREVER. Somehow the conversation turned to my dream guy. Of course she had already heard about this at least a dozen times, being my best friend and all but she listened contentedly. This time was different though.
I told her right then and there that I’m done pining over this guy. My pining for the last 3 months had not made him come into my life any faster. I finally came to the realization that God would bring him into my life when He was good and ready and me trying to control the situation was not going to help anything. I remember feeling such a peace during my conversation. I knew I was doing the right thing by giving all control to my Heavenly Father. You see, before I had given up control I was afraid that if I let God have the control he would most definitely make me wait a long time. I’m not sure why, but I just did and that’s why it was so difficult for me. I left Jason’s deli that afternoon with a peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace knowing that my Heavenly Daddy was in control.
Later that night I was sitting with my laptop trying to think of a witty status update for Facebook. All day I had been wanting to get a gym membership so I thought, “why not?” So I started typing.
“I reallllly want to get a gym mem”…..delete delete delete “That sounds stupid. People are going to think I’m a fatty.” I thought. “UGH no I’ll just type it anyway who cares what people are going to think of me?!?”
“I REALLLLY want to get a gym membership.” ßThe status that would change everything.
To be continued….

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Story of Us. Part 1

Hello everyone! I hope you're having a blessed weekend! In honor of my hubby and I's 1st Anniversary tomorrow I'm going to be posting the story of us. ENJOY! :)
The story of us. PART 1
He was 13 and I was 12 and our siblings were in love. Great opener, eh?? I thought so. :). Anyways back to my story.
My older sister Faith and his older brother Anthony were an item all throughout highschool and they were determined to make both of us blush. Every moment they had a chance they would tell me about Louie. All I knew was that he was chubby, shy and had braces. JUST LIKE ME.
 Loujo and Antho.
Faith and I. :)
Anthony and Faith for whatever reason decided one day to bring Louie over to our house to meet me. I was with my friend, Kim in the backyard digging in the dirt. I kid you not, I was litterally digging a hole in the dirt. Don’t even ask me what we were doing, I couldn’t even tell you! I heard Anthony and Faith say something behind me so I turned around and lo and behold I layed eyes on Louis Joseph Moreno Teal for the first time. I heard the bells, saw fireworks, and felt butterlies all at the same time. IT WAS THE REAL DEAL, PEOPLE! ;)
After the initial shock of realizing that this was the Louie I had heard so much about came the embarrassment. I was MORTIFIED. The one time they decide to bring my future husband to the house I was digging in the dirt. Typical.
I don't recall a formal greeting by either one of us being the shy little things we were. There was probably some blushing then some looking down, looking up, making eye contact then blushing again! We all then went inside and Louie and I set up a game of mario kart on the nintendo 64. You know, to break the ice. Yeah, we were cool. After the said game and some suttle flirting on our parts, Anthony came over and asked both of us individually what we thought of the other. It was concluded that we both "liked" each other. When he said he liked me I'm sure he was probably meaning that he'd like to play mario kart again sometime. When I said I liked him I meant I was already planning a wedding and what we'd name our babies. Same thing right?

I didn’t see Louie much after that until I started middle school. In which he was a cool 8th grader and I was just a lowly sevie. My heart skipped a beat nearly everytime I saw him in the hallway. Wishing, hoping, and dreaming of the day when he would push me up against the lockers and kiss me like there was no tomorrow! (I had a vivid imagination if you can't tell)
By the time I entered high school Louie and I were like strangers. Our siblings had broken up the year before after 4 years of dating which surprised everyone. Anthony was a part of the family for so long so it was completely strange for him to not be there anymore.Even though it had been a good year since I'd seen Louie my heart would still skip a beat when I saw him and I purposely tried to dress my cutest and non-chalantly walk through the band hallway so that maybe he could get a glimpse of me. Yes, Loujo was a band nerd. A few months after I started High School one of my best friends, who was also in band informed me that Loujo had a girlfriend. Her name was Sarah. Say whaaaaat?!? Yeah, you heard that right. She had my name and my man. It was horrible to walk through the hallway and see them holding hands. It made me feel invisible and worthless to him. He acted like I never even existed. I wanted so badly for him to come up to me and start a conversation but he never did. To be fair, I never did either.

My sophomore year I transferred to a new school and so loujo was out of my sight and mostly out of my mind for the remainder of my high school career. I developed new crushes and new boys to think about. Loujo was my friend on myspace and facebook so I did think about him from time to time when I'd see him online or see a status or picture he posted about his beautiful, skinny, and outgoing girlfriend. She was everything I thought I wasn't.
To Be Continued….