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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My word for 2015

After the Lord gave me this word it seemed so obvious. Like why didn't I think of this before? I suppose He gives us different goals in different seasons, and in this season transparency is so necessary. Even though I have no idea what my word was last year, I do know that something feels completely different about this year. So much has happened in 2014, so many things that I would care to forget. What the devil meant for evil, God is turning around for good. This I know with my whole heart.
I chose this word because I know this year the Lord is wanting me to share my testimony, my hurts, my triumphs, how far He has brought me, etc. It has always been very hard for me to bear my heart to others in fear that it won't be cared for. Past hurts have stopped me from being able to trust, but I'm not letting them stop me any more.
I refuse to care or be in fear about what others think of me.
This year I want to connect with others. To share, to love, to encourage, to make life long friendships.
I've spent too much time since becoming a mom feeling sorry for myself because I didn't have the friendships I wanted. I was just talking to my husband the other day about why it's so hard for me to make friends in real life but it's so easy to make friends in the blogging world. It's so easy for me to text and share my heart with these women I've never even met, yet so difficult to make a playdate with someone from church. I've been letting fear hold me back for so long. 
I have met these amazing, wonderful, Godly friends through the blogging world. One of my best friends, in fact. I thank God so often for the friendships blogging has brought me. But it's time for something new this year. I'm stepping into the real world. This year I'm not letting myself hide behind a phone or computer screen where I can't be hurt. I'm putting myself out there, and I'm not turning back.

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